Forestry and Natural Resource Department
Forestry and Natural Resources Department Strategic Plan
Forestry and Natural Resources Department
Brief Biography
Name: Assistant Professor Abdul Rashid wiar
Education: Master
Occupation: Head & lecturer of Forest and Natural resource Department.
Assistant Professor Abdul Rashid Wiar Son of Dr. Farid was born in 1985 at Khandkhil village of Totakhil tribe, Saydkaram district, Paktia province. He got his primary education at Hazrat Imam Abuhanifa Primary and Secondary School at Zardari refugee camp, Hangu, while his family was immigrated to Pakistan and settled at Hangu and got secondary education at Kunderkhil High School at the mentioned area.
Mr. Wiar participated at entrance exam (Kankor National exam) at 2008, and passed to Agricultural faculty of Paktia University, Paktia Afghanistan. He held his first B.Sc. degree with higher marks from Forest and Natural resource Department at 2012. Soon after his graduation from the Paktia University, he got job as teaching Assistant at Forest & Natural resource Department, Agriculture Faculty, Paktia University. He has been working at Forest & Natural resource Department as Head, lecturer and at field of research at Paktia University.
He wanted to pursue further study so he participated at competitive exam for India and got higher marks in the exam. Thus, he received admission from Country’s FRI(Forest research Institute Deemed University and got Master degree with higher rank at Environment management Department and returned to home land Afghanistan at 2018. He rejoined with his occupation as Head and lecturer at Forest & Natural resource Department, Paktia University.
It is also important to mention that he will publish several research and Review articles/papers at national and international journals.