Former Dean of the Education Faculty
Name: Abdullah Muslim
Academic degree: Teaching assistant
Educational Degree: Master
Job: Dean of Education faculty
Phone no : 00(93)798342794 -0773034773
Associate Professor Abdullah Muslim, son of Mohammad Aman was born in 1987 in religious family in Balandkhil village of Jaghto district of Wardag province. He has completed his primary, secondary and high school education at Ghazi Mohammad Jan Khan High school in his district, after he has been graduated from high he has given Entrance exam and pass to Kabul Education university, department of Physics. He has successfully completed his four years’ study at Kabul Education university in the department of Physic, and has been graduated in 2011.
After that in 2012 he has been shortlisted and successfully pass the exam and select and lecturer at Paktia university, Education faculty in the department of physics. And he has started teaching at above mentioned department during his teaching he has translated a book from English language to Pashto language entitled (Heat) for the position of Teaching Assistant, the mentioned book has been accepted from the Minister of Higher education and he has been awarded the Teaching Assistant degree.
In 2017 he went Iran for the Graduate study (MA), and he has started his Master study at (Abu Ali Sina) university, in Hamadan province. In 2022 he has completed his Master degree in the of (Optic and Liser).
He has been returned back to homeland at the same time the Minister of higher education selected him as Dean of education faculty and currently he is working as dean of education faculty.
Finally, during his ten years of educational career he has been published two national and one international articles.