Dean of the Agriculture Faculty
Brief Biography
Name: Associate Professor Nazir khan Mohammadi
Education: Master
Occupation: Dean & Associate Professor of Agriculture Faculty, Paktia University.
Email Address: , official Email Address:
Contact: +93-777711128, +93-707711128
WeChat ID: nazirkhan1984
Teaching activity:
- Courses and practical work at the following Subjects: Forage production and conservation, Plant Physiology & Plant Stress, Sustainable Agriculture, Crop production, Irrigation and Water management and Design and Analysis of Scientific Experiment, Plant Science & Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Soil Science.
Interest fields:
- The evolution of some management plans for pastures from protected areas and natural habitats of communion interest in the purpose of maintaining of vegetal biodiversity.
- Putting to account the pasture capacity to sequestrate the atmospheric carbon – biogeochemical cycle of carbon in pasture and the evolution of organic carbon in soil as influenced by technological inputs (N, P, K fertilization, liming) – mountain pastures.
- The Analysis of Agronomical Experiments Data.
- The Management of Irrigation and Water in Field Crops
- The sustainable production of forage and cereal Crops
Associate Professor Nazir Khan Mohammadi was born in 1984 at Ghorzai village of Oman Khail tribe, Saydkaram district, Paktia province. He got his primary education at Hazrat Safian Primary and Secondary School at Darsamand refugee camp, Hangu, while his family was immigrated to Pakistan and settled at Hangu and gotten secondary education at Hazrat Bilal High School at the mentioned area.
Mr. Mohammadi participated at entrance exam (Kankor National exam) at 2004, and passed to Agricultural faculty of Sheikh Zayed University, Khost Afghanistan. He held his first B.Sc. degree with higher marks from Agronomy Department at 2007. Soon after his graduation from the Sheikh Zayed University, he got job as teaching Assistant at Agronomy Department, Agriculture Faculty, Paktia University. He has been working at Agronomy Department as Head, Associate Professor and at field of research at Paktia University.
He wanted to pursue further study so he participated at competitive exam for India and got higher marks in the exam. Thus, he received admission from Country’s National Agricultural University and got Master degree with higher rank at Agronomy Department and returned to home land Afghanistan at 2017. He rejoined his occupation as Dean of Faculty and Associate Professor at Agriculture Faculty, Paktia University.
It is also important to mention that he have established several research and Review articles/papers at national and international journals.
The list of significant published papers
A. Paper Published (International):
- A review on GIS in Irrigation and Water Management in International journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJET), Page 854-857.
- Measuring the Amount of Nitrates in Underground Water of Gardiz City, Paktia, Afghanistan in International journal of Engineering Research & Technology(IJET), Page 581-584.
- A Review on Drip Fertigation on Field Crops in International journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJET), Page 722-729.
- Floods Impacts on the Socio-Economic of Livelihoods in Paktia Afghanistan in International journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology (IJRASB), Page 38-48.
- Effect of various levels of inorganic fertilizer and vermicompost with and without bio-fertilizer on growth, yield attributes and yield of sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharata) in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Page 114-117.
- Influence of inorganic fertilizer, vermicompost and biofertilizer on yield & economic of sweet corn and nutrient status in soil in International Journal of Applied Research, Page 183-186.
- Effect of Inorganic Fertilizer, Vermicompost and Bio-Fertilizer on Quality, Content and Uptake of Nutrients in Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata) in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Page 670-675.
- A Review on Intercropping in Sugarcane in international journal of Trends in Biosciences, Page 3737-3739.
- Improving productivity in mango cv.kesar through foliar application of silicon and salicylic acid in journal experimental biology and agricultural sciences, Page 1440-1443.
- Integrated nutrient management in maize production (Review paper) in Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences (RJAS) in international journal, Page 1515-1517.
- Response of Pearl millet (Pannisetum glauccum L.) to levels and Scheduling of nitrogen under South Gujarat condition in International Journal of Chemical Studies, Page 32-35.
- Effect of different levels of phosphorus and Biofertilizers on growth and yield of soybean in Paktia, Afghanistan in e-planet international Journal, Page 125-129.
- Effect of Biofertilizers with different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and growth attributes of baby corn (Zea mays L.) in International journal of chemical Studies, Page 2300-2305.
- Effect of NPK, Biofertilizer and Zinc Foliar Nutrition on Growth and Growth Attributes of Babycorn (Zea mays L.) in International journal of chemical Studies, Page 2432-2436
B. Paper Published (National):
- Introduction to the Source and Resources of Water in Afghanistan and Challenges in qalam quarterly academic – Research Journal of Paktia University.
- Effect of wheat local varieties on productivity of wheat in Paktia Province in qalam quarterly academic – Research Journal of Paktia University.
- Future of Biofertilizers in Afghanistan Agriculture in TABIAT quarterly Journal – Research and Scientific Publication of Afghanistan Academy of Sciences, Page 180-194.
- Response of rabi sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata) to spacing levels in qalam quarterly academic – Research Journal of Paktia University.
- Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on growth, yield and economic of soybean under Rainfed condition in qalam quarterly academic – Research Journal of Paktia University.